HomeEntertainmentBest Prank Websites,Troll Websites to Watch

Best Prank Websites,Troll Websites to Watch

Nowadays, Pranking or trolling your friends has become a popular trend as it is not only enjoyed by the troller, but the friend’s emotions because of a prank are also enjoyed thoroughly, whether it is anger, excitement, or joy. In this modern era of the internet and social media, many people get the highest views by just filming pranks on friends and even on unknown persons. The outcome of emotions from these pranks is just amazing to watch. There are no specific events or occasions where the pranks or trolls are performed, but on some specific occasions like 1st April or Halloween, there is much increase in pranks publically. You should have seen many unique pranks or trolls and always had a thought that from where these unique ideas of pranks have emerged? So, the answer is that there are many prank websites or troll websites where you can get ideas of different and freakish pranks and can perform it on your friends and enjoy it. The prank links and videos help get a concept of the prank and especially its outcome.

Now, if we talk about trolling, it is basically the concept of creating a scene on any post or thread intentionally. Sometimes, it turned out to be funny, but it can be offensive and controversial in some cases. But this is also a way to gain attention on social media, and therefore it is very much in fashion. There are many troll sites or links where you can get a concept or an idea of a troll. Here we are working on listing some popular websites or links that you can use to troll and prank your friends.

Prank Websites

Here is the list of troll websites with troll links to watch. Prank sites, troll sites for trolling your friends and send fake links, prank links or funny links to send.


This is not a fake links but the official best prank site. This website allows you to send any sort of SMS or messages to prank your friends, and believe me, by using this website, they will never know that it is you who is pranking or trolling them. It is so easy to use, you only have to put a phone number on whom you want to prank, and then you can blow them up with funny messages.


This is a funny links to send messages or call a person or a friend anonymously. Using this troll website, you can enjoy irritating your friend by calling him/her anonymously and making him the victim of your prank. I am sure when he will get to know that it is you who are trying to prank him/her, the reaction would be just so amazing to watch.


Joker greeting troll websites is the best prank site where you can get the funniest greeting cards on any occasion. The funniest part of these greeting cards is that they are musical cards, and when someone presses the button to put the sound OFF, the volume increases, and it gets louder. This is the best prank to troll your friends.


This is not a fake links but the official best prank site. It is the best way to troll or prank anyone you have to do just one click of this website on their PC or laptop, and they will receive a fake update of the system, and of course, they will get panic, and you succeeded in your mission.


This is the best troll links and site. On this website, one can easily create fake WhatsApp messages and can easily edit messages or chat. It can be used to troll friends as they will see or believe that you are chatting with them.


This troll websites is known to be the perfect troll website to take revenge from your enemy or friend. By using this website, you will be sending glitters to them. You only have to click, and glitters will be shipped to them.


It is the best and perfect prank sites or links that can be used to call any person anonymously. In this, you can prank anyone by customizing or selecting a fake call. For example, “You hit my car,” and your mission is succeeded.


This is a funny links to send prank candles to your friends or anyone you want to take revenge. You only have to send them these prank candles. First, they will smell good for some time, but after that, your mission is completed as now these candles will smell like farts or ultimate burning smell, and believe e no one is going to like that.


Prank Space is a prank websites that features several other pranks. You might find them useful enough for your friends to troll. You will learn magic tricks, audio, flash, video pranks, and much more from this website. This helps you to interrupt your family and friends. Many different forms can be learned to confuse them with new styles and methods. If you want to continue pranking your mates, this is an exciting place.


Each time anyone scrolls through, fart scrolls help you make fart sounds. If you want to get your buddies humiliated, this is your way out. This troll website of fart scrolls prank offers you a code which allows you to set everything you need to do this. You should play with your friends these are funny pranks.


This is not a fake links but the official best prank site. Message bomber is one of the most famous pages. It is absolutely online, as well as user-friendly. Send thousands of messages and amusing texts to your buddy. Each text is anonymous. Based on the message bomb, you pick your friend can receive many kinds of messages.


Great Big stuff is one of the best prank websites. Ordinary objects, such as a pencil, paper pin, alarm clock, and much more, can be provided but not in normal size. They are enormous and emphasize versatility in their goods. Both business and entertainment clients are their users.


This is a funny links to send a Gif dance party to your friends and enjoy their reaction. This is not a fake link, but this website shows you how to create a gif dance party with your friends. Only for desktop use is this website.

Love calculator.site

It is a fun spot for loving people. Try your buddy with this nasty joke. Find the crush or love of your buddy on this exciting platform. Construct a new link and give your friend the love calculator. When the love calculator is opened, it will ask you to write your crush name. You will receive your friend’s name and his/her name once you click on the button on the calculator. This will surprise them more after they understand that they have been pranked.


This is the best troll links and troll websites. This site adds to your friend and instantly and anonymously signs them to obtain a large number of random facts. You can send cat facts, trump facts, and a lot more through this website to your mate.


Another fantastic troll websites is JibJab Messages on our list of top prank websites. It is filled with entertainment. Check out a jib-jab, change your face with your camera Funny Picture Montage, make the best photo-assembly and fun dress-up games with the Face Change app, or just enjoy Jibjab dancing with your face. It can be saved and shared via social media with your friend.


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